圖文視頻 靈活易用 Supporting both image/text and video, flexible and user-friendly
- 支持患者通過圖文咨詢和視頻問診兩種模式 Supports patient’s inquiry using either image-and-text or video
- 一店多號,手機APP快速發起電子處方申請 Store can manage multiple accounts, rapid e-prescription application through mobile APP
系統分配不排隊 No need to wait in line
- 系統算法精準匹配開方醫師 Algorithm enabling precise matching with prescribing physician
- 接診及時不排隊 Prompt response, minimized waiting time
- 掃碼添加藥品用法用量 Scan to add usage and dosage
- 數據庫自動識別藥物配伍禁忌 Database automatically identifies drug incompatibilities
處方合規 安全省心 Compliance in prescription ensuring safety and trust
- 合規互聯網醫生執業資質 Compliance in qualifications of online medical practitioners
- 支持門店處方權限管理 Supporting prescription authorization management of offline pharmacies
- 自動處方統計、查詢和打印 Automated prescription statistics, search and printing
智云問診是專為藥店打造的SaaS平臺。藥店可在智云互聯網醫生幫助下,通過智云問診迅速、合規為購藥用戶開具處方藥,實現安全、優質、高效的處方流轉管理,為購藥用戶和藥店搭建完善的服務橋梁 ClouDr provides a SaaS platform customized for pharmacies, which, with the guidance of physicians from ClouDr Individual Solution, can supply patients with prescription drugs efficiently while ensuring compliance, bridging users and pharmacies and making safe, high-quality and efficient prescription management possible
數千醫生同時在線 Thousands of doctors online
開處方藥沒資質? Not qualified to prescribe drugs?
5分鐘包會 Learn it in 5 minutes
藥店軟件難上手?圖文視頻隨意選 Finding pharmacy software hard to use? Choose from text/image and video formats
20秒內響應 Response within 20 seconds
醫生開方要排隊?從此告別難熬等待 Stuck in line for drug prescription? Wait no more
上門安裝培訓 Installation and training at your doorstep
服務質量沒保障?隨叫隨到,售后無憂 Worried about service quality? Customer representatives are just a click away
智云問診 ClouDr Pharmacy Solution
立即掃二維碼下載 Scan to download now
部分合作方展示 Demo of our partners
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